Statement by Gary Reader, General Manager, ServeU on World Environment Day 2021

June 5, 2021

ServeU joins the entire global community in marking World Environment Day 2021. Themed ‘Ecosystem Restoration,’ the special occasion is a time to celebrate the gains we have made in our united efforts to protect our environment. It is also a day to remind ourselves of the still urgent need to do more for our planet for future generations.

This year’s World Environment Day calls on us to renew our commitment and tackle as one single community the major environmental challenges facing us. Saving our environment entails doing our part, no matter how small. From being mindful of our consumption and production patterns to changing our lifestyles, each of us has a role to play to mitigate the effects of climate change.

As a company involved in the facilities management (FM) business, we know the importance of our services to help advance the global environmental sustainability agenda. This is because buildings and infrastructure have been linked to numerous environmental issues, especially in energy and water consumption.

At ServeU, we have embraced sustainability and integrated the concept into our FM processes and offerings. Our goal is not only to lessen our environmental impact as an organization but help our clients achieve their sustainability goals as well. We provide FM solutions that enable them to implement smart decisions that will help reduce their carbon footprint.

Sustainable FM will continue to be part of our overall business strategy. As we look towards the future, ServeU is committed to giving its best to help build sustainable, healthy, and inclusive communities.